La Voix Humaine, Singapore Symphony Orchestra International Livestream

“Enlivening the anguished Elle was USA-based Singaporean soprano Jennifer Lien, whose monologue was a tour de force of lyrical and dramatic role-play. The former journalist turned operatic diva was fully immersed in the multi-faceted part and emoted brilliantly in idiomatic French. Through the opera’s compact 40 minutes, she brilliantly lived through Kubler-Ross’s five stages of grief. Shifting effortlessly between denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, she often mixed these up in an intoxicating melange of fraught and barely-contained emotions. With hysterical outbursts alternating with episodes of lucidity, this was a multi-layered and grandstanding performance.”

The Straits Times


Hansel and Gretel, Lyric Opera of the North, Duluth, MN


A Midsummer Night’s Dream, New Opera Singapore